Actual Testamonials From People Who Have Followed My Program

I want to thank you so much for your program. It is such a blessing! - G.V., California

The virus use to be really active in my body but since I started following your program, which boosted my immune system, I haven't had outbreaks or symptoms! - N.W.

I want to tell you THANK YOU! Your program is great! I am feeling so much better, and know that everything will be O.K.
--Toya, New York

Since purchasing your ebook, I am having much relief! I know that by controlling my diet, taking the herbs and vitamins you recommend, I will continue to have much success.
--Wendy, Canada

"I had an outbreak 2 weeks ago when I bought your program and now it is gone! Your program works."
--Tim, New Jersey

"I have been following your program for 2 months now and it is working really well. No outbreaks!" --Bob, Florida

"After purchasing your ebook program, I read the part about eating wrong foods. Well, after I read your book, I immediately stopped eating ALL foods you say to avoid, as I would frequently eat them, although not every day. Also at the same time I started taking the supplements you suggested. I have NOT had an outbreak EVER SINCE (I would get them on my inner thigh, outer thigh, outer and inner buttocks) and I have been suffering since 1982!! I am now 52 years old. I am also eating just like you say to eat. Thank you so much for your book, and I truly believe that was the best $49.95 I've ever spent. I really don't think I'll be having any more outbreaks!"
-- Bill, California

"I want to thank you. I have been so thrilled by the results of your Stop Herpes program. The results were really quick!"
--Gail, California

"I have been following the recommendations according to your book. I feel excellent! I have even gone through a major stress at work without having an outbreak. Now, stress is the only thing I cannot get rid of. Thank You!
- Tanya, Maryland


(Frequently Asked Questions)

Is This For Real?

Disbelief is the most common reaction to this website at first. Fact is, the skeptics who buy this program become true believers when buy and start the program and noticed they no longer have any outbreaks. This program is tried and true. You will not receive this program from an MD.

Why don't other doctors know about this program?

You will not receive this program from an MD or any other doctor who only uses prescription pharmaceutical drugs to treat herpes. Mostly they do not have the understandiing or knowledge of alternative medicine or even realize there could really be another way to treat herpes. When there is another way and it is in this program. The program involves diet, supplement, and herbal therapies. The number of MDs who have learned these therapies are very few. If you are lucky, there may be one in your community. You are more likely to find a Naturopathic physician who can more successfully treat your herpes and help you to keep it from coming back. Better yet, get my program. The cost is only $49.95 and you would pay a naturopath or any other alternative physician over $150 per hour to see and receive the same treatment program.

Does this program work for everyone?

In short, yes. Absolutely! This program works. I have seen it work over and over again with all types of herpes. It does not matter if you have simplex I or II, oral or genital, any other herpes virus. This program works because it is a holistic approach. This program is not about prescription drugs. This program is alternative medical treatment of herpes. It involves specific diet changes, supplements and herbal medicines that target the virus, stimulate your immune system, and support your body to rid itself of the herpes virus, permanently.

Does it work as well for genital as it does for oral herpes?

Definitively yes! The premise is the same. It does not matter where you are infected with the herpes virus, this program is holistic in that it helps your whole body and its immune system to fight off the virus no matter where your herpes is located.

Does it work equally well on both herpes simplex I &II?

Without a doubt! Both herpes simplex I & II have the same viral metabolism. This means that no matter if you have herpes simplex I or II or both, it will work equally as well. The herbs, diet and supplements I recommend will work for you to help you Stop Herpes Now And From Coming Back For Good!

Is There Really A Cure?

Yes, there is a cure for herpes in that you can keep it from coming back forever which my program is all about. Everyone wants the virus eradicated from their body. You are not alone in this desire. You must understand the way viruses work. Once a person is infected by a virus, their own immune system now has the task of keeping the virus suppressed. After a person gets chicken pox, herpes zoster, the virus is not gone but only lying dormant until the right opportunity to cause shingles. If a person's immune system is not up to the task, they will have trouble keeping viruses from causing problems. If you get on this program and follow it, you will never have another outbreak as long as you live. Once you have any virus, it will always be with you, lying dormant and suppressed inside the cells of your body waiting for an opportunity to cause an infection. Your body will have made its own antibodies against each virus you carry. The herpes virus will be dormant and suppressed for good as long as you follow what I tell you. This is the same for all viruses. If you contracted mononucleosis, you will be carrying the epstein-barr virus (another herpes virus) with you. Your immune system will be keeping the virus suppressed the rest of your life as long as it is functioning well. This is also the case with the influenza virus. Once your immune system is down, ANY virus is then able to cause you to become ill. You will never completely erradicate any virus from your body. I believe viruses exist to exercise our immune system and to let us know our immune system is not strong enough. On my program, your immune system will become healthy and strong. You must follow what I tell you if you never want to have another outbreak. So, buy this program now and Stop Herpes Now And From Coming Back For Good.