Actual Testamonials From People Who Have Followed My Program

I want to thank you so much for your program. It is such a blessing! - G.V., California

The virus use to be really active in my body but since I started following your program, which boosted my immune system, I haven't had outbreaks or symptoms! - N.W.

I want to tell you THANK YOU! Your program is great! I am feeling so much better, and know that everything will be O.K.
--Toya, New York

Since purchasing your ebook, I am having much relief! I know that by controlling my diet, taking the herbs and vitamins you recommend, I will continue to have much success.
--Wendy, Canada

"I had an outbreak 2 weeks ago when I bought your program and now it is gone! Your program works."
--Tim, New Jersey

"I have been following your program for 2 months now and it is working really well. No outbreaks!" --Bob, Florida

"After purchasing your ebook program, I read the part about eating wrong foods. Well, after I read your book, I immediately stopped eating ALL foods you say to avoid, as I would frequently eat them, although not every day. Also at the same time I started taking the supplements you suggested. I have NOT had an outbreak EVER SINCE (I would get them on my inner thigh, outer thigh, outer and inner buttocks) and I have been suffering since 1982!! I am now 52 years old. I am also eating just like you say to eat. Thank you so much for your book, and I truly believe that was the best $49.95 I've ever spent. I really don't think I'll be having any more outbreaks!"
-- Bill, California

"I want to thank you. I have been so thrilled by the results of your Stop Herpes program. The results were really quick!"
--Gail, California

"I have been following the recommendations according to your book. I feel excellent! I have even gone through a major stress at work without having an outbreak. Now, stress is the only thing I cannot get rid of. Thank You!
- Tanya, Maryland


Naturopathic Medicine

"Naturopathic Doctor's work differently than western medicine, Naturopathic Medicine is a whole new way of life, living, healing, and being well."
-Connie, California

Naturopathic Medicine is a system and philosophy of medicine based on natural and holistic principles of treatment. The principles being; first, do no harm, identify and treat the cause, the healing power of nature, treat the whole person, doctor as teacher, and prevention as the best cure. For the most part, only naturopathic doctors practice naturopathic medicine because unless a doctor has attended an accredited naturopathic school, they may not be versed and grounded in the principles and philosophy of treatment. With treatment based in these naturopathic principles, no matter what the health problem may be, it will be helped by naturopathic treatment.

Naturopathic medicine goes far beyond conventional medicine. Conventional medicine primarily uses drugs, surgery, and radiation. Naturopathic medicine uses homeopathy, mind-body medicine, clinical nutrition (supplements and special diets), herbal medicine, soft tissue manipulation, BEST, hydrotherapy, and counseling in combination tailored to each individual for their personal needs.

To learn more about Naturopathic medicine and Dr. David Hogg, go to